Simon & Schuster Bearfeelings Sad Sad Bear
C$ 24.00 Excl. tax
Bear is very SAD today. Mommy is going to work. And that means Bear has to go to Cub Care for the very first time. Little ones and grown-ups alike are sure to relate to the up-and-down feelings explored in this sweet and empathetic picture book
Product description
Bear is feeling very sad today. Mommy has to go to work, so Bear has to go to Cub Care. But Bear doesn’t know anyone there at all! How will he make it through the day? Luckily, with the help of some brand-new friends, Bear cheers up, has fun, and then can’t wait to tell Mommy all about it when she comes to get him at the end of the day.
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Simon & Schuster Bearfeelings Sad Sad Bear
C$ 24.00 Excl. tax