Palomar Palomar HERE Marti Guixé
C$ 65.00 Excl. tax
The Exit World map shows areas to escape the world, without the use of Virtual reality, areas with barely any civilization such as deserts, jungles and spaces with fresh water from rivers, lakes and glaciers." — Martí Guixé
Product description
"When I traveled to Iceland I read about how in the middle ages criminals were punished by being forced to live in the center of the island away from civilization. Criminals would also escape there to avoid persecution. The living conditions are very hard, especially in the winter, and these “Útlagi” (outlaws) did not survive for many years. The center of Iceland is a natural wild space. A space for freedom, an uncivilized space that connects the good and the bad of the origin of humanity.
Medium Ø 30cm
50 special white pins
MATERIALS: Cordenons Wild special Cardboard with 35% cotton in the natural fibers
PRINT: High Quality offset printing with non-toxic inks
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Palomar Palomar HERE Marti Guixé
C$ 65.00 Excl. tax